Training brains, changing lives
From struggling to hear to confident conversations - our patients share their stories
"I find that I'm more focused and alert by doing the LACE Program. I can communicate better because of the hints that are given."
"Lace has taught me the importance of paying attention and helping to block out background noises. I highly recommend it!"
Jason J.
"I have really appreciated the function of the app to help rehabilitate my adjustment to my cochlear implants."
Paul A.
"The program is easy to use and doesn't take a lot of time each day. LACE encouraged me to try harder, and as a result, I learned where my weaknesses are and how to strengthen them."
Betty H.
"Lace is an extremely effective way to increase one's listening skills over time! Many of the tasks have assisted me in learning to actively listen to those speakers around me, no matter what the listening environment presents."
Warren M.
"I found the program very useful and noticed a marked improvement in my listening over time. I experienced a leap in confidence in all my social listening."
Moira K.
“Lace made me feel less like one more defective senior waiting on a medical miracle - I could participate in my own treatment. I could actually help myself. It's easy, it's affordable, it's fun.”
Cynthia M.
"I don't shy away from going to parties now... and my audiologist was shocked that I got a better score in background noise. I know it's because I have learned to focus by using Lace - thank you!"
“Lace has given me back my youth and joy of enjoying lectures, family, friends and group meetings. I feel so inspired and grateful to understand the process of learning to hear with the brain."
Cathleen Q.
"My comprehension – particularly in crowds with competing noise – is much improved. For me, your program has been a game changer – on par with getting my first hearing aid 32 years ago!"
Marc M.
Trusted by top hearing experts
See why audiologists recommend Lace to their patients

"Being able to offer Lace and auditory training really differentiates us. It shows we're providing comprehensive hearing healthcare, not just selling devices. Our patients feel this difference too - they can tell we genuinely care about helping them reconnect with family and friends, participate in social situations, and improve their quality of life. It's about providing complete hearing care, not just being another hearing aid store."

"With over 80 peer-reviewed resources talking about auditory training and Lace - how can you not? It's so scientifically proven that it's not even a question when I'm talking to patients these days. That's like a lot of data. It's been over 20 years. It's legit."

"I've offered Lace for over 20 years because it fills a critical gap in hearing healthcare. Think about it - with any other medical condition, physical therapy is a fundamental part of treatment. If you have shoulder surgery or break an arm, no one questions the need for rehabilitation. Yet in hearing care, we've ignored this crucial component. We can't just sell devices and do follow-ups - that's leaving essential treatment on the table. Lace provides that missing piece of complete hearing care."

"We're seeing phenomenal results with the new Lace app. It's polished, engaging, and makes training fun with features like jokes and trivia. What's really exciting is the ability to train with familiar voices - patients can practice with their spouse's or grandchildren's voices, the very people they struggle to hear most. This personalized approach is going to be a game-changer for patient engagement."